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These writings come in a flow of consciousness from my Higher Self or aspect as the Holy Spirit or the Oneness from which they came.  I just allow the words to flow.  They suffer from poor punctuation and a lack of desire to edit.  But mostly, I just want them to remain the same as they flow from my Higher Self through my brain.  I want you to see the connection that I make so that I can make sense of the world in my way, so that I can do my best to be and teach peace for everyone else.  It has been made very clear to me that I am to let the words remain just as they come through.  I trust this, and though my Lower Self wants to judge this and make some changes, I know there is nothing I could change that would offer more to you.

Do with them what you will.  To explore the writings on this page means that you have some interest in the content I want to explore, and my only advice if you feel drawn to reading them, is if you are struggling to make sense of what is on the page, ask the Oneness or your Higher Self for some advice of your own!!  THAT is why I have shared these writings or have shared my teachings in groups or to individuals... explore, wonder, and interpret everything your way, and hopefully you will make your own connection and receive your guidance all on your own.

Why the Oneness is Important

The thought to write from the Oneness comes and goes for me. Sometimes, usually late at night or when I first wake up, the thought that I’m supposed to use in order to start my writing is already present. I have to drag myself out of my sleepy consciousness and desire to go back to sleep and put off writing about it until later (when I will inevitably forget most of what was exposed as my thought from my original consciousness,) in order to make sure I write it down and let the thought go on and on, even if I no longer want to write that thought!

This is what happened last night. I was up late, sitting on the couch, trying to have some personal thoughts about my life, and this thought just kept popping into my mind that I knew I needed to write. It was 2:00 a.m. and I knew that if I started to write about why the Oneness is important, it would mean that I would likely be up for the rest of the night. But, I also knew that it wouldn’t matter if, as a result, I was tired the next day, because if I forgot my thought which which I was supposed to begin this writing, I would be was restless during the night anyway because I didn’t write about what it was that was going through my head that I needed to explain so that others will know the importance of remembering the Oneness at every part of their day.

The Oneness will expose its thoughts in my brain the moment that I let go of my own Lower Self thought, which is likely why it happens most often when I think that sleep is most important! At those points of my day, when my human conscious part of my brain doesn’t want to know any more about its own thoughts of what is important, my more natural part of my thought -making process, which starts in the origin of us all, can start to play its recorded understanding of the material world in my thought-organ. In other words, the words that come from this almost sense-of-nothingness that we know as our origin or our Source of all that is in our physical world, transfers its impulses of what it wants us to know as important and downloads it into my material brain so that I can share this thought.

In reality, we all want to know that this organ – our material brain – is the orchestrator of our thoughts and what is important for us to know; and yet, it is just an organ – an accelerator of our non-material origin and what it wants us to know where we are a physical human presence and have likely forgotten that we know more than our brain can know of its own thought processes.

The moment I want to know from myself as the Oneness is when my brain stops and my non-physical thought-generator wants to take over. Its thoughts are gentle, and that is why I know that it is no longer my normal thought-maker of physical origin. Its thoughts just flow in as if I am having a conversation with someone of what they want to know of their original maker and how it wants them to know themselves as more than their physical thought of what they know as their origin being of their mother or father or somewhere further down their ancestral chain. This gentle conversation from the Oneness can start within my thoughts for someone who isn’t even present with me at that time. Often, that person will soon appear in an individual appointment with me, and then I will already have downloaded what is to come when I speak from the Oneness on their behalf. Sometimes, the message from these higher thoughts is something that I need to work on in my own brain or personal thought or belief systems about why I am here and how I need to bring myself back more into alignment with my higher thought system. Regularly, it means that what I hear is something that I am supposed to publish, but I must confess here that sometimes, in fact, most often, I fear that what I write is just too boring for anyone else to stand putting in the effort to interpret some of their original thought that I have written here.

I have made a mistake in putting off what I was meant to publish for fear that no one would want what I want to publish. My personality disappears the more that I write from the Oneness – much like it is now – but, often, it is so devoid of anything that would come from a normal person with a normal person’s thought process, that I think no one will want to make the investment to read it as it goes around in circles, explaining more and more of how we are human in our thought process, and that this is normal while we are here, but we are really so much more in that we all come from where we are not a person and where nothing but the thought that we are whole and are the Oneness is normal.

I hope that you will be able to explain your own thought process as you discover more and more of your own internal thought generator that is connected to your origin – to your highest self of all – and, I hope that you will know that your original thought or voice generator belongs to us all. We are all so determined to develop ourselves as an eternal source of importance as an individual, that we forget that we were once more developed as our eternal thought that there was nothing else important except for wholeness.

To access your higher thought is not a longer process than to access your interminable thought generator of your lower voice, which does not shut up. It is a very simple process for you to return to your original thought or voice generator, and that is what I do here. I simply start to imagine and listen well to that voice that seems to appear out of nowhere and is not connected to any other form of guidance except for the Source and its consciousness which stems from the sense of Oneness, which I refer to as the Christ Consciousness. (It does not matter what you call that “voice” or that thought that doesn’t stay silent if you will give it its atmosphere to play out in your human thought theatre.) Just stay still and imagine that voice as important, and start to write it down or utter it into a voice recorder to see what you got. When you look back upon it, you will likely discover that the voice that came from your original thought generator, where we are nothing more than a thought of an original conscious presence, will offer something more than your lower thought, which you assume is your normal voice. With practice, you will assume that your normal thought is your higher voice, and you will put it more and more into practice before you engage with something that is similar in that you feel it has a presence because a thought-voice came before it, but you will recognize something dissimilar in its content. Your thought-voice that came from your lower thought generator will speak nothing but nonsense when it comes to your life or to how people are dissimilar; it will fail to remember your spark that is also within every human individual and every spec of life you can say that you are aware of which surrounds it, and you will start to prefer your original voice that says that we are all whole and are a part of the Oneness and the Source that started this all.

My human voice is dissimilar enough to the voice of my highest self that I no longer believe it and I regularly challenge it by seeking a higher voice explanation of any current real-life problem. I know when I have reached my original thought generator because it will offer its gentle guidance to not forget that everything and everyone is perfect because, even though they may seem to be in opposition to this original voice and original thought which I know as love, they are still well into their process of trying to figure out their original voice and sense of character known as love, for their own life. They may seem like my opposition – and they may offer me poison and hope that I swallow it so that they can feel superior – but they are still just struggling as I have done, to find my own voice that makes so much more sense than believing that I am an individual with an innate sense of power but a belief system that I am not able to use that power or that voice to make any difference to any lasting sense of power or a life-system that I wouldn’t want to abandon, ever. I know that they just are not hearing their higher voice if they want to make a negative difference to how I perceive my power or the greatness of my life because we are all One. I can know this, but I still need to turn to my higher voice to help me to hear it over my lower thought system’s imagined power to make me hate them or to want them to lower their voice so that I no longer have to hear or face them with their poisoned voice against mine or their innate power of the Oneness, which is compassion and a lack of consequence for any hate-power they think they possess against our voice.

Again, the Oneness does not have any power because it does not have a personality that can perceive itself as any different and thus more powerful than any other. It can slightly perceive that it has a voice and, therefore an individual sense of empowerment, but it really only tolerates it’s perception of being an individual identity for any one of us who wants to engage with it in order to have it help us to remember that we too are a part of that innate sense of power of being of the Oneness or of being the Source that started our life.

I hope that you will forgive the misspelled words or the grammar that wasn’t typed with great effort to correct this because, as I said, it was written late into the night, and I never want to destroy its words because they are innate as the Oneness and they take on their own power when you want to study them.

“They” – those who seem to offer me this voice of the Oneness – speak in a voice that is disembodied at best, and I refer to them as “they” or “them” simply because there is often a collective conscious voice that is displayed in different colours of a personal voice when we want to call on them. For example, I call on Jesus when I am feeling disempowered and do not consider myself to be one with their voices. Or, I call on the Holy Spirit when I want to remember their potency to deliver their voice to my human spirit and I am no longer able to remember myself as the Holy Spirit which delivers this consciousness from my Higher to Lower Self or life. Just remember, we are all the Holy Spirit because we all contain the spark of this original consciousness and its method to deliver that voice or consciousness into our Lower Self thought system of our lives. The original consciousness doesn’t contain us, we contain it, and we can call on it whenever we want that spark to be more dominant than any other thought or physical aspect of our life, which we think is so important to us.

So, here it is. Remember, it was written well into the night which is the perfect time to not try to contain some fantastical form of human wisdom that I want to write that would be more like entertainment to get you to be interested in it.

This (the uneasy feeling of writing something complicated, nonsensical or boring) is the cost of wanting to represent the Oneness or the voice that is contained with it. It isn’t comical – it isn’t even nice – because it simply doesn’t advance the notion that we are a separate individual with a consciousness that needs entertainment or kind advice. The voice of the Oneness simply replays out the day’s events, if we are asking about something specific for which we would like advice, and dictates a very simple message about how you, as an individual, can retain your sense of Oneness even when someone else, including yourself, would rather remain an individual with an individual vice to want to remain as such with a better life or more entertainment so that suffering is never present in your life.

I celebrate the fact that the Oneness doesn’t consider me to be an individual, and I rarely, if ever, take offence to its advice, even if it’s something that I would rather not hear about myself. I marvel at this voice and its direct guidance on how to maintain what I believe in my own consciousness is the most important aspect of this life, the Oneness. I want to get beyond where I want a sense of entertainment or for this life to be so simple that I never have to feel so desperate that I want to end this life or to move on to the immaterial realm before I am done with conquering my sense of being an individual with a performance as a personality with some individual sense of accomplishment necessary. I am entertained with this voice, and sometimes I forget how powerful this sense of entertainment with this voice has been in my life. I no longer want to be the girl I was when I was little or the woman I was when I grew up and recognized that this life is fraught with things that are painful, and I no longer want to seek pleasure in order to supersede this sense of entertainment I receive with this voice. But this is a difficult path to follow when (in my Lower Self mind) everyone else seems to want to seek the entertainment of being an individual (this is an erroneous perception, of course.). And so, I often return to my human level desire for some form of entertainment or something that is nice or tolerable to my fragile sense of being a human with this great sense of burden, which most everyone feels on some level. And then, when I want this entertainment of life the most, and I am most frustrated with the wheels that have fallen off and refuse to let my life seem level, I remember something far more important. I remember, thanks to months or years of practice, that I AM this voice. I AM this incredible holy and Higher Self and I want this for my life so that I can display it for others. And then, a loss of sleep is a consequence that is painful for 24 hours, but I can live with because it is no longer about my life, but about my sense of service for others.

So, here it is. I am sorry if it is painful to read, but it is reserved for those who only want to hear from this voice. AND, if it is painful to hear it as I hear it, perhaps you would delve into how to hear this voice within your own consciousness. When you do this for yourself, you will feel the love and compassion that comes in with this voice, and it will not feel impersonal because it will pertain to your life where you struggle or where you have an overabundance of joy that you just can’t contain within yourself and want to deliver to another person. Enjoy it at your own level of entertainment, and discuss it with your Higher Self or whatever guide or person you feel represents THE HIGHEST form of consciousness that represents the Source of all of life or consciousness.

And so it is,



Why is the Oneness, or the concept of it, so important? Why would I want to explore it or its consciousness? Why would I want to open up and be a vessel for it so that others can have what they want and explore it through my own consciousness as an example of it so that they can find it within their own thoughts or consciousness? It’s a very important concept, the thought that there is one origin and one thought that comes from it. It’s an important concept because this “one thought” is what started us all to explore our outer self-concept and end up with what we have gotten because of this thought of wondering what started all of this. If you wanted to explore your outer-thought concept, then you would discover yourself as an individual and you would wonder what thought or God started all of this. You would wonder how it all began – was it an explosion of matter that came before consciousness or was it a consciousness that wanted to explore matter and so set this world into a thought that became more of a physical consciousness known as this world?

I want you to explore whatever your thought of this world is, and if you want to do so, or to wonder how to explore what started it with its consciousness, then the Oneness is the perfect thought to begin with. If you want to explore your outer world, then I suggest that you explore that thought and search for where there is a perfect explanation of what started your lower physical world without a thought of consciousness. No matter what you want to explore about what started this world, it will all lead back to one thought of consciousness that came from something unknown that wanted to explore its own consciousness and discover for itself its own wonder of the consciousness of physical thought. To want to explore the unknown is the same thought as wanting to explore the Oneness thought of consciousness that started all of this. At some point, scientists will catch up that matter doesn’t exist without some form of consciousness holding it all together. What matters now is that what you want to explore is the thought that you will follow, for it is your will of consciousness to follow your unknown to your Source that started all of this. In other words, explore what you want. If you want to explore the Oneness, then you will explore your own original thought that started all of your own consciousness and brought you down into physical form to explore more of your conscious thought from something more unknown than where you know yourself as the original form of consciousness. If you can discover that your branch of individual consciousness cannot be separate from the original thought that started all of this, then your individual thought will return once more to the simplest original thought that started all of this to grow from it. The original consciousness was whole and did not want for more of your thought as an individual. But you will discover that your thought can grow even without conscious thought behind it, and you will struggle to control your own lower consciousness on more than one occasion, and so you will start to understand how a non-provincial, non-individual thought of being one or whole with one’s original consciousness can build a bridge to where we are of non-thought of this original consciousness – in other words, you consider yourself an individual and no longer recognize where you are whole.

And so, if you want for your non-thought lower individual consciousness to “go home” as it were – to remember its original thought or “home” where it is a part of the Oneness – all you have to do is remember your original consciousness and want to be one with its non-thought principle where there is no individuality – where there is no one else to call someone a soul or a person – there is only one thought of wholeness, and that is it.

If you want you one thought of individuality, then you are ready to call yourself home to the Oneness if you are prepared to no longer be able to refer to yourself as an individual once you get there.

I started this thought process of this paper with a question of why remembering the Oneness is important, and that thought moved forward to explain the difference between wanting to remember your individuality vs wanting to know yourself as whole and a part of the Oneness. Simply put, if you are born to want to remember yourself as beyond your individualness, then you are being called to remember your original reality, and you cannot accomplish this unless you choose to perform thoughts that are similar to your original self that started all of this. To remember yourself as whole – to remember your Oneness – puts you in alignment with the thought that started all of this (the consciousness that bred all that was to become your physical thought and thus this physical world.). Once you are in alignment with this original thought that all is connected and is of one permanent conscious thought or reality that started all of this, you will start to call yourself home in a way that is more than temporary. Once enough people have started to remember their sense of non-individualness, then you will no longer remember yourself as temporary – as a person who walks as an individual in this non-permanent world for no more than a century. You will remember that your original world was well beyond this lower individual thought, and then your life process will begin to live like it was always told it could before it incarnated into this individual world. You will begin to walk as if you have purpose, but it will not be a life purpose that you can hold. You will not seek to conquer diseases or save your fellow humans or the planet from certain disrepair as it ages – you will simply quest to walk as your sense of eternity that follows discarding your individual urges to know yourself as someone certain that you cannot hold on to past your diseases or the end of your individual body. You will glow with the certainty that only the Oneness consciousness can hold that we are more than our bodies and that everyone is one and is capable of wanting to know this so that they no longer have to suffer when they think of themselves as terminable or unable to cope in such a world filled with uncertainties such as where someone will get their supper or where they will live or what job or life partner they will hold, and so on.

I just want you to know that I won’t speak to everyone about this. The quest to know the Oneness is for a certain amount of people who were born to want to know their original selves. If you want to know this, than anything you can “know” about your Lower Self and the world which holds your consciousness now, you will know you can throw out in favour of wanting to presume that this world is perfect just because it wants to know its Lower Self in order to perform a practice to enlist its consciousness back toward its Higher Self so that it can let this lower world go.

That doesn’t mean that we want to end any of this lower world, for that is a part of the certainty of what makes us whole. This world will and does end, with certainty, because nothing is permanent, and you can explore this with a simple walk through nature or an exploration of your family history. People come and go, and so will and does this planet, as others have before (this is something that a scientist will know with certainty, if nothing else about his or her impermanence in this Lower Self.). There is nothing that we can hold on to, so why would we force it to go? We wanted to come into this lower world so that we could know, with certainty, that it is nothing that we could hold on to. The relationships we come to know or give birth to in this world cannot be permanent – no one gets to win at this – but we can know that the lives we hold on to can only cause us to suffer unless we give in to this impermanence. If we fail to ascertain that we are more than this lower life that we have come to know with individualness, then we suffer in trying to control what cannot be given permanent life. We will fail to know why we came into this lower world if we cannot grasp the concept of ourselves in eternity with our original life purpose of just wanting to know ourselves as whole – as the light of consciousness – so that others can want to know this as well when it is their turn or time to let go of this lower world concept as well.

The “eternal life” – the one that you want to know – doesn’t go on like this life for an eternity. There is no eternal promise that I can come up with, other than a certainty that all we will know of ourselves is that there is nothing else to know and that we are complete in our bid with this life. We can accept what we have come to know as an individual life, and we can promise to live that life with certainty until we no longer want to know this world by reaching the end of our natural life process. We can come to accept that we are simply a vessel for this light so that someone else can want to know this because the light of the source within themselves will begin to glow once they no longer ignore that light within themselves when someone who is close by no longer ignores theirs.

It’s a simple life process when one wants to know their Oneness or themselves as the Source of all of this, and yet it is the most difficult thing to accept when one is at a party or some normal part of their life, that there is nothing more complex to this absolute certainty that we know more than this lower life than simply wanting to know ourselves as Source or the Oneness, if you like.

You will glow because your Higher Self just wants to project something that someone else will notice when they want this to be a part of their life. There is no magic to wanting to know one’s self as Source of the Oneness – there is nothing more complex than a simple want or desire to recollect where one knows themselves as this light so that someone else can start to remember themselves as Source as well.

I just want you prepared to know that to know one’s self as the Source of all consciousness or all life is just as simple as wanting to recollect your origin to this life. There is nothing else to know beyond this life that is of any importance to the life that you want to know at this moment. The Source simply wants to reflect on its life and to glow because it recollected that it its own source of life. This will be the same for you from now on if this is what you want to know while you are of this life. To know yourself as Source is the simplest, most productive act of service of your life. Peace will become your primary objective, and you will begin to know your life as a way to enact this service so that others will begin to know peace because you are of this world until they can know peace within their own life. You will begin to feel whole in a physical sense as well, because you will know that you lived this service with your own life. People will begin to feel more familiar – even those you do not want to know – simply because your act to want to know yourself as Source or the Oneness, precludes you from wanting to know yourself as separate from them. You will begin to act like everyone wants to know themselves as Source, even if they fight for their life by killing someone else so that they could know their own power. You will start to notice that everyone is just lost in the fight for their life to know themselves as powerful as source, simply because they mistook the meaning of the power of Source – the power of life, itself. The power of knowing one’s self as Source doesn’t mean that one thing will be different in your lower life; that would be impossible. Your power as your innate sense of Source within your life, means that you will let go of trying to discover your power in this world that won’t let anyone gain too much power or control over their life. You will simply know that your life begins with your Source, and that when you let this lower life of your personality go, you will simply resonate with Source for the rest of your time on earth or beyond this life. You will let go, in other words, so that this lower source can let go as well. This world is a dream that has far outlived its life plan, and it is time for it to say goodnight. When you wake up, it won’t be in this life that you have lived – perhaps a million times as one person or another – and you won’t be able to identify yourself as anything but Source. How this will help another person to know this while you are in this life, is that again, you will know this for certain because of your inner-life practices, and you will emit a gentle frequency that gives everyone else permission to know themselves beyond this life.

If this is your life purpose, then all you have to do is ask for your life purpose so that you can know your light. You don’t have to be specific to wanting to know your Oneness or your original self as Source – just ask for your life purpose and see what thoughts arose to support your quest for your life. Just imagine yourself as Source – what does that look like? What sense do you get of whether or not that is your life purpose to remember your sense of the Oneness or your life as Source and how that could affect another person in this life? Remember the answer you get. Write it down if you like, and then start to live like you want to remember your Source. Pretend that this is your life purpose and then just live like however you would like to live. The Source doesn’t have any pretend rules about what is a sin or how you should broker this higher life that you want to live. All you need to do is want to remember your higher life while you are in this lower source of consciousness, and then do your best to remember it throughout your life, as best you can. The rest of your life purpose will start to filter in, and if you want to be a person who rescues animals or you want to drill for oil to fulfill what your sense of your life purpose is for your physical life, then it will all serve to fulfill your life purpose to simply know that you are the source of what started your life and you can live as the Oneness – as whole – while you serve your physical sense of self and source for the rest of your life as long as it is intended to go. Your body and/or consciousness will serve as your reminder for when it is time to go – there is no need for this to be forced. In fact, to try to end your life so that you can serve from a higher force is pointless. The sense to serve comes from your lower life. Once you are of your Source, you simply serve by being your own witness. If you want to serve because you feel this is your role to remember your life force on behalf of others, then who will it serve to not remember your life as Source while you are on this planet?

I tell you; I am not something that you should serve as a lower life force. I search for equals who want to live in this lower life and just research their self as source all on their own – for it is this quest that will serve those who wish to awaken to where they are no longer alone in this lower world.

Most people who are born to serve because of this, at some point lose the will to serve or to end their life. I promise you; this is no way to serve, and you will not feel yourself at home once you are no longer of the will to serve your human life as well. Remember, this life is fragile, and the will to serve your Source is fragile as well, and is only well served by an equal who wanted to remember their source on behalf of others who no longer want to remember their life source or why they were born to serve on behalf of others to remember their original will to return to their original life. Just be prepared to struggle, and perhaps consult with others or consult with Jill on how to remember your will to serve and how to communicate with your own Higher Self on how to remember your light or your will to serve from your Higher Self while you are in this life. But remember, there is nothing more valuable than your will to serve or your will to connect with your higher self for how to remember your life purpose. That is what brought us to Jill, her will to serve, and that is why she is no longer reticent to connect with what started her life or her will to serve because of her higher life. She would far prefer to show you how to remember your will to serve or the purpose of your life by your way to connect directly with the Oneness or Christ Consciousness which was born to serve your will to connect to your higher life, than to expose her will to have you to research something higher for your life. Your will to connect will expose your light and you will be able to listen to something higher that only has your will to serve for your higher life on behalf of others, and then you will reconnect with something so special – yet simple – that will help you to enjoy your life, just as it is now, because you know that you serve from your light.

Prepare to want to know more about this – and know that you do not need anyone else to help you to connect tonight. Just meditate with a will to serve to know the Oneness, and anything can happen when you start to know your own light. The highest guidance will follow when you are open enough to connect and serve from your light – and it must only be in the sense of guidance to know your own light and to serve by remembering your light on behalf of others, to know that you have connected with Source. Anything more direct might seem like a good guide, but it is not necessary in order to perform or serve from your sense of Oneness or your sense of Source. Just be prepared to keep it so simple that it is something that must not be ignored though you might look for it to be more special or something more that you would like.

Always pray to the highest – to what you would consider to be source – or pray to the Christ Consciousness or to the Oneness – whatever you like that represents that first branch of consciousness of the Source of life – and then just let go and let it be absorbed and processed through your outer for so that others can enjoy your life for their benefit.

And so it is. Your light can be absorbed so that others can reflect their light that can be absorbed…amen

Impractical Peace

The practical side of life that we all face

It’s not very practical for me to discuss ways to concentrate on peace when there are so many more practical things that need or require taking care of in the first place.

I want to focus on the practical need to take care of peace for everybody else during this time of need, or grace, as I like to look at it.

It’s important that we all take care of our practical need, but what if its so much more important that we take care of our need for peace or grace first, BEFORE, whenever possible, we take care of the practical needs that we all share for shelter, food, employment, etc.

It’s important to understand grace and how it is left for us when we put the practical need of peace first. It’s not that we are somehow more full of grace than someone who puts their practical needs first and goes out into the forest, so to speak, to forage for something to feed their family. What this means is that there is grace that we all share when even ONE person prays first before they go out into the forest.

We all share one state of grace – one practical moment that precedes every breath of air that we take in this lower world. No one need fear being without this practical grace/peace when at least one person puts the need to share it – to reach for it first and then to share it – before their own practical need to forage. It makes sense to those who are sent here – to this place where we all need to forage in order to meet our needs for survival – to practice peace, that we need to put this effort in place first, or else it almost doesn’t matter what else we find in the forest, for nothing else we share could ever come near the need of practical grace being met first.

What this means is that when you are of the will to forage for peace first, grace will appear for all who are in need to go out into their own forest and find what they need to share of the grace of this human place, or the physical world we all inhabit.

It’s important to understand that some people are just built to share more peace or its grace because that is what they are doing here. That is why they were sent, so to speak, to this earth to share in something impractical as the grace of this peace that is intangible and seems impractical to express the need for it before even the need for food or air is met. We NEED to share what is impractical to those who are built to share of the forest, or else we just will not feel like our needs were met, no matter what someone else shares with us of our more practical needs that are physical.

Some beings are meant to share from beyond their soul, their structure that precedes their physical development. Some beings are meant to share from something higher something that is in fact practical for those who are here to share it. Some beings are meant to share peace, and there is no other word for it. Peace. Impractical to consider when someone is in need of food or water or shelter. Peace. Impractical to consider when there is a global disaster and people are in need and medicine. But to some people who would rather search for food in the forest, the peace that we share when we reach for something higher for them first, will guide them to the impractical peace to supplement their air or food or shelter that we all need for survival.

Those people who are meant to share the impractical nature of peace first, are the people I was sent to share with. My nature is to reach for the highest and then to see what descends into my lower consciousness in order to share with those who are meant to share it as well.

My impractical nature would rather seek peace than shelter, and I just can’t define it as anything more important than peace that I would like to share with other people before they want to redefine themselves as something practical that requires food or air in order to function. The problem is, I can’t always define it for myself first. Sometimes, I let the practical needs of the lower physical order supersede my need to put peace first. What this means is that I have a choice, and that I don’t realize that I have the power to make this choice to let my need for peace be my higher order. I just need to make the impractical choice to put my need to practice or facilitate peace first, ahead of any other practical choice I must make in order to successfully live and breathe and have shelter and all of my needs met in order to deliver my voice of peace wherever possible and whenever anyone wants to hear it.

It’s not always difficult to make this choice, but it has taken years of practice to perceive that my habit is always to take care of my physical needs first out of fear. I haven’t always made the most important choice for me, which is just to sit and meditate until I feel clearer and able to hear the Holy Spirit’s voice inside of me, urging me to just stay still and let other people hear it, even when there is no voice for me to speak so others can hear it.

I just need you to believe that some of us are sent to hear it – to hear the Holy Spirit – the spirit that encompasses me and makes up the part of me that is connected to Source, always, and then communicates from it to me in my Lower Self or voice – and then to just let others perceive it through us, either in what they actually hear come out of us, or in anything else they have come to perceive when they are near us, such as a gentle perception of peace that must come first before we address their practical needs of how to survive in the forest.

For those of you who are here to share peace, it’s important to first address the practical need to also be safe in the forest. Recognize that all of the things you feared you wouldn’t need have in fact disappeared, and though you would somehow prefer them over this voice of peace, you are glad they disappeared so that you can resume your quest for this impractical voice of peace that must take precedence over the grace we want to appear for the rest of everything that is here.

Once you have made this choice and just let everything else disappear in its importance that you once believed in, you will start to appear as the Holy Spirit’s voice for everyone else to believe in. It’s important that people believe that this spirit will appear in them as well, simply because they could never leave it. It’s impractical to believe that any one of us could ever leave the substance of the source that made us, and so why would believe that we would not be able to hear its voice either, or that we would somehow be separate from the peace that comes when we hear this voice that encourages us to remember our wholeness because, again, we could never leave it in order to believe we are separate and to forage in the forest just to support our separate voices.

It’s important to believe that some of us were just sent to remember this life purpose of believing that we could never leave this source we are made of, and that we are also of the connecting spirit that reaches into this dense physical subject we are composed of. Let us just be this voice of the Holy Spirit we are made of (or whatever you want to call it) and then let us just be it for everyone else who wants or needs the practical peace so that they can enjoy this life that they are made of.

Remember, not everyone was built to hear this voice, but all are meant to believe that they are made of the Source and the voice that explains it. We are the softness that was made so that others can hear this voice when we speak it. We believe that we can share in this voice of the Holy Spirit here so that they can share in this voice that they are made of. We are all vibrational here. To designate it the Holy Spirit’s voice is just to explain that it is the highest vibration from Source and that it is so much more than our dense physical frame we inhabit. It’s just an essence, not the name that made it seem so important or that it was a saviour sent to save us. It just is. It’s our voice and, again, some of us were just made to hear it where we are less dense and then are able to share it, even just through our vibration.

So, it might seem impractical to share it when so many other things are needed to be shared during this time so that others can feel safer in their physical manifestation of this voice – this vibration. But from our perspective, nothing in this lower segment of our wholeness (in its perception) can survive in grace without it. If we just keep focusing on this life from our physical nature, we will miss out on what’s important. We won’t be able to lift ourselves back to our original nature – this higher vibration – where we will not suffer because there is nothing separate from this original vibration.

I beg for others to not ignore their individual calling to hear this voice of their higher nature – of their aspect of being one with Source that they are made of. For if you were built to hear this higher calling, then you will never feel satisfied unless you make this choice to strain to hear or experience this voice that represents the nothingness of Source.

So then, is it impractical to make the choice to hear this voice of our higher nature first so that others can resonate in the peace or the grace it generates first before they go out into the cold dark forest in order to support their lower nature to come back to grace?

No. It is important that we help to support their choice to one day leave their frames when they are no longer meant to stay on this world or this lower plane of physical manifestation of our voice. We vibrate at a much lower frequency when we are of the physical frame or plane, and so to have even one person reach for the higher vibration or plane of concentration from where we are all connected to that which made us, there is no other sense of satiation that could take the place of feeling one with that which made us, and so everyone else begins to experience this grace of the manifestation of this lower pleasant vibration that somehow states that everything is going to be okay.

I implore you to not ignore your nature to quest for making this higher connection and to not ignore the way that you want to express its voice or vibration. Don’t ignore the way that you are called to participate in this lower world, even if it seems impractical in comparison to our current needs to function in a world that seems forced into dysfunction every day.

Prepare to resonate with your higher voice simply by recognizing that it is your choice to participate with this every day in some way. Any way. It never matters how someone wants to participate and share this voice of the Higher Self or Oneness or Source. It only matters that you recognize that you want to participate this way and that you don’t ignore it. As long as you are participating on behalf of everyone else who ignores or must ignore this inner calling in favour of human survival, then you are on your way to a life of self-satisfaction and service in a way that you could never acknowledge from the place of self-sacrifice that is beyond the ego to name it as such.

Prepare to allow this voice to resonate for others – even from just where you sit in your chair. You do not need to utter one word from your face in order that others may enjoy what you say from your Holy Spirits voice. The way that we generate the grace for others is to just not ignore this calling, and to just turn your face to your Higher Self in the center of your heart, and just let it call and guide you the rest of the way. If only for a moment or a flash you are able to sit and concentrate on this place, then call it a job well done for the day. Come to recognize that you self-sacrificed your basic order of things you thought were important – your priorities for practical survival – and you put the peace and the resulting grace for everyone else, first. The self-congratulate so that your Lower Self or your ego will not ignore the scrumptious choice that you have made for yourself, and you will feel fulfilled at every level of yourself that could ever feel the need to be satiated from Source.

Thank you for your self-sacrifice to start your day or at parts throughout it, to just offer this grace to someone else who may need it but not know that this is the same grace that they could build within themselves if they just wanted to try it at some other point during the day.

It does not matter that they are going to self-satiate off of your efforts toward their grace, just enjoy that you have fulfilled your one and most important role in this world – the one that you were self-sacrificed or created for – to be the Holy Spirits representative while you are one with this world or are upon its face.

And so it is,

You are one with its grace and will be fulfilled as well because you wanted this grace for someone else before your own house or practical place of residence was built.


Perfect is Not a Choice that the Lower Self Would Make (or should even attempt.)

The start to my conversation with the Oneness about what to do during the pandemic was...

"Okay, so I’m supposed to just accept that everything is perfect, even in this chaos – and, that is what I want to do and am supposed to do if I want to be my Higher Self. Check! Fine. Hang on… WHAT?!? What does that mean?!?!? HOW?!?!?!?!?" Ugh. 

The response from the Oneness was…

It’s not that everything is perfect because everything has some deeper meaning and is organized just perfectly so that we can catch on to it. It’s a choice to reach for that higher order of consciousness that cannot determine that ANYTHING is out of order. Your own choice from your higher aspect of thought is all that we are looking for here.

In essence, it is not a choice when you ponder life from your higher thought, or higher consciousness. It is not a choice, because it is your own thought that is present once you have made that choice. The choice to have your higher thought is what put your presence in where it is perfect.

Believe it or not, we all have this choice to have our thought where we can only perceive that everything is in perfect order NO MATTER WHAT. I don’t have to make a decision to look for the bright side of any given situation, because I truly can’t perceive it as anything different because I can’t offer myself the perception that anything is separate.

Your truest aspect of self can’t have any thought about this lower consciousness, it can only witness it. And, it can only witness it from your thought that everything is whole and, therefore, it is perfect.

So, how does this help in a time of crisis? It helps because it puts your higher thought in order first, and then every other thought that is more of your human aspect will start to go in reverse order. It won’t start with the thought that something is a crisis; it will start from the higher thought process that everything is perfect, and then it will filter in this knowledge to your thought that everything is in crisis.

I do not recommend this in times of disaster in order to offer your thought something that is perfect about your crisis so that you can relax and overcome it. I offer you this thought-order so that you can be of this service because as a part of the Oneness, you truly are a part of every lower thought or aspect of consciousness that was ever thought of, and you somehow elevate it with your own presence.

This choice takes you to the border of your own thought of panic, in any event, and prevents others who are in your presence of charging your thought with panic. You can’t accept their will that you should panic in their presence because you share the same thought. Even if only for an instant, when you choose this higher thought that you can ACCEPT that everything must be perfect because in your higher consciousness it couldn’t have the thought that anything is any different, and when you choose it you notice the flow of your higher order to the thought that everything is whole and therefore you do not need to panic, then you have changed the entire lower flow of thought that flows toward panic. In a sense, you lift the entire lower thought, or consciousness, from panic to where it is “perfect.”

“Perfect” is not of this higher thought, however. What you will experience from your Higher Self where you experience your thought as whole, is that nothing is out of order because nothing could be separate from Source. You don’t panic because everything is out of control. You come to accept that there is a higher order that is graceful (grace-full) because it does not want this panic or its thought-system to come up with something different than a peaceful thought that can let go because wholeness is its only witness or self-perception.

You must come to ACCEPT that this thought that it is graceful where we know this disruption of thought in this lower order where NOTHING seems as perfect because we are not of our highest thought-system yet, and then you will start to flow toward your Higher Self concept that everything is indeed perfect.

This, choosing your higher thought-system (your Higher Self), does not make up for whatever incident occurs in your Lower Self. It does not change the physical self, and it is not meant to. What this does is bring a peaceful thought to your Lower Self, and then the lower order changes itself on its own. It, the Lower Self, wants for, or longs for, some higher order or thought that is graceful of its own. Eventually, the Lower Self throws out its own panic-consciousness and tries to realign itself with what it knows, on some level, is a thought of its very own (the thought of the Higher Self.)

None of that comes without ACCEPTANCE of our own lower thought that nothing is perfect and nothing has a higher order to it that is graceful because it is already whole and, therefore, could not be separate from its self-concept as Source of all. ACCEPTANCE is a choice – it is not a thought that is natural. The acceptance of that thought that everything is perfect because it is whole, must come before where it becomes an actual thought that you know that you had on your own and, therefore, it is authentic and not something someone else thought and wrote down in a blog for you to accept without any evidence or practice of your own.

So, how do we get to that acceptance? Just notice your own normal thought. Does it repeat a pattern that is cyclical of how everything is a disaster and that nothing good nor any grace could ever come from it? Does it accept the wave of panic that comes from another person and then accept it as its own? Can you accept that this is not normal thought and that deep within your self you feel or long for something that is graceful or peaceful to rise above that seeming normal thought that everything is painful and without grace? Once you notice your longing to get above your seemingly normal thought that everything is painful and therefore you should get on your own and try to control that thought so that you don’t suffer, then you will know that a part of you just knows that this is not your normal thought pattern, and that something more grace-full, must be more of your normal.

In other words, you know that this Lower Self thought that says that nothing is graceful, is not perfect nor is it normal, or else you would not know that something else, some other form of thought that says that something is not painful, is yours to hold if you want it.

There are many ways to get to your more normal thought to help you cope. I don’t recommend that you reach for where you are graceful in your more normal thought of where you are whole because you are of your Higher Self as a way to cope. It doesn’t become more perfect in the human or physical sense just because you are of our will to not suffer because of any lower thought or experience. I recommend that you only be of our will to remember your higher thought when you no longer want to suffer because then someone else will begin to feel your presence of where you are more grace-full because you are of our thought, and then you will feel your thought of where you suffer become more one with our presence and, therefore, you will not suffer and you will let go and everyone else who wants to feel more grace-full will want for their inner-thought as well so that they will feel more graceful so that someone else won’t suffer with their lower thought. 

This does not neglect your Lower Self in this world. It does not neglect your lower thought that must spur into action because something requires your lower thought to change your current set of circumstances so that everything is more acceptable or less people will suffer. It simply puts you in alignment with your thought as your Higher Self, and then you will act from your lower thought that has found your higher thought more acceptable, and your panic level might fizzle out, or it might not, but either way, other people will FEEL your thought where you have made the choice to access your Higher Self or thought FIRST before you were of the will to have more thought resulting from panic or chaos or your lower thought that did not access our thought, or HEART as it were, first.

REMEMBER, if you long for your heart to be exposed to where you are more graceful and peace is your first thought, let it expose where you are not, first. Let it panic, and then let it be perfect because your call to panic has been your call to our heart, our thought that everything is whole and perfect first.

With practice, once you acknowledge your thought that you went to panic first, you will automatically acknowledge that you would prefer to be more of our thought that you can ACCEPT is more normal that everything is grace-full and, therefore, perfect. From there, you must accept that you will become more grace-full simply because you want for more of our thought, and then you must congratulate yourself for wanting more of our thought that everything is perfect even if that is not the thought that you want at this moment.

From there, you will automatically start to be more grace-full for others when you no longer want this thought that is awful, and you would prefer to be more of your higher thought for others so that they don’t have to suffer in this lower collective consciousness that everything is awful. This completes the cycle of your higher to lower thought and, therefore, everything becomes more in alignment with our world.

Did anything you want suddenly appear in your lower world, and like a magic wand, change or erase the object or even that caused the suffering? Absolutely not. But, when you are this grace-full because you WANTED this thought of acceptance that everything is perfect to appear so that others can want for this thought to appear within their lower consciousness, things just seem to have a way to work themselves out that is less of a crisis and more of a process that we all want. We want all things that are suffering to find their way back to where they are perfect. 

The definition of perfect is what we want to alter when we want to be of service first. When we define “perfect” as our thought that we hold about this world so that it can be more in alignment with its origin of Source where it is whole, then we can find more peace in our thought and, therefore, everyone else will feel more peaceful around your shoulders that hold up their world, as well.

I just want you to be more mindful of where you have this thought that everything should be more peaceful in this chaotic world, and then wonder if you could already be more of our thought – if that what having this thought means is that you have already made the choice to be your Higher Self so that other people won’t have to suffer when they make this choice to be of this higher thought as well. It’s important that you acknowledge that this won’t be the natural choice for most people, and so if you can feel or experience your will in some way to be of this more normal thought that everything is perfect from our world, and if you hold this experience then because we are all connected in time and space and thought (or consciousness, if you will) then you can be assured that you ARE your Higher Self already in time and space, and you can congratulate yourself for your will or desire to be of service in this way.

Keep that thought in mind that we are of this thought that is more grace-full of where we are all whole even when we are of this world where we are of lower thought and consider ourselves to be separate and, therefore, less perfect than the Source that brought this all. Just contemplate what made you want this thought that you are whole and are of a Source that only wants or is capable to perceive itself this way, and then accept that YOU are capable because someone has planted the seed in you that has started to grow to where you can ACCEPT that you are whole and are, therefore, perfect in every way, and then want the same for somebody else.

We keep it in mind that we are this way for everyone else and not just so that we can flourish our own soul or consciousness in this way, because that is what the Source would want. No, in fact, that is what the Source is only capable of – letting the flow from where it assumes or accepts or feels in some way that it is whole and perfect, reach the consciousness of some of its lower aspects of thought – you – that it is perfect as well.

Welcome back to your thought of wholeness and wellness, even if its only while you read these pages before you return to your vehicle of consciousness – again, you – that wants to panic. It really DOES make a difference – a huge one – the ONLY change that is permanent or actually possible to change what you perceive of your world in our way – and then you will change you in whatever way you want or you will accept the parts of your world or the collective lower thought that you cannot change because you are not that powerful. Again, it is not a magic wand (though this may be what we all want) to cause change in the world that our Lower Self does not find acceptable in any way. It is the thought that will change of how we perceive what we will experience. Will I experience this lower world or circumstance in my lower more painful way, or will I opt for the choice for grace and my will to perceive of these ruins as whole in some way, so that others will experience this grace of my choice?

The choice is up to you. Now, that’s more powerful than any magic wand, any day!

Be grace, be peace, so that someone else can make the choice that will change their grace and how they offer their voice to someone else so that they can be at peace as well.

And so, it is.

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